Welcome to The Scoliosis Authority, located at Scoliosis-Pain.Com, one of the many free web properties gifted to you by The Cure Back Pain Network. We are the world’s leading chronic pain patient education and advocacy organization with a focus on back and neck pain issues. We love our jobs because we truly live to help people.
Scoliosis is a major topic of research at our network. We have been actively involved in scoliosis care since way before the launch of our first web property. In fact, as Editor-in Chief, scoliosis was the very first diagnosis I ever received in association with back pain and this verdict led me to pursue a life path I never could have imagined at the time. My entire mission would become serving the needs of chronic pain sufferers worldwide as a coach, educator, advocate, community leader and friend. I know that our editorial board members can tell similar stories of personal involvement with chronic pain which shaped their career paths and led them to become active in our network.
The Cure Back Pain Network Websites
The Scoliosis Authority is just one of our catalog of patient resources. We invite you to utilize all of our websites to help you in your efforts to better understand your pain and subsequently end it.
Cure-Back-Pain.Org is our flagship web property and contains an exhaustive range of topical discussions on all things related to back pain, as well as mindbody medicine.
Herniated-Disc-Pain.Org is our website devoted to all things related to the intervertebral tissues of the backbone, including bulging, ruptured, degenerated and herniated discs.
Sciatica-Pain.Org details one of the most common and stubborn of all chronic pain syndromes: lower back, buttocks and leg pain, also known as sciatica.
Spinal-Stenosis-Treatment.Org highlights central spinal stenosis and foraminal canal narrowing conditions throughout the human vertebral column.
Neck-Pain-Treatment.Org delves deeply into neck pain that exists in the cervical spinal region and surrounding areas of the throat and upper back.
Low-Back-Pain.Org details lower back pain in a brand new way, providing a direct dialog between patients and our founder.
Spondylolisthesis-Pain.Com provides an insider look at antero and retro spondylolisthesis problems in the vertebral column.
Facet-Joint-Pain.Com dispels many myths of about facet joint pain, replacing these common misunderstandings with anatomical truths.
Piriformis-Pain.Com explains how this small muscle can create piriformis pain that often mimics sciatica in its location and expression.
Sacroiliac-Joint-Pain.Org delves into sacroiliac joint pain problems, including sacroiliac dysfunction, injury and degeneration.
The Chronic Pain Coach provides sensible help for all chronic pain and illness patients who want to live better.
Why Does The Cure Back Pain Network Exist?
As both patients and care providers, we have the unique perspective of recognizing, quantifying and evaluating the many significant problems in the healthcare industry. We are highly critical of the shortcomings and failures of the chronic pain treatment sector, in particular. However, our motivation is not simply to be critical, but instead to critique with the hope of enacting positive changes within a broken system. We are thrilled to see the positive results of our efforts each day and have been credited with steadily moving the larger healthcare community closer to enlightenment with each passing year of our work. This is why we have been active for so long and have built such a loyal readership. We are honest, objective, clear and straight-forward in our approach to patient education. We tell it like it is…
Please use the tools that we have provided to you. Our websites are the results of continuous painstaking effort in both research and clinical practice across a diversity of healing arts and sciences. We embrace and thoroughly represent the traditional, complementary and alternative medical viewpoints, as well as personifying every patient’s own POV. We never lose sight of the human element of healthcare and in fact place the value of humanity far above the business aspects of care, which is a refreshing and unique position in the ever-more greedy health provider community.
You can trust us, learn from us and know that we will never abandon you. We will never use our position of influence to market to you under the guise of news or research. This makes us completely alone in the online information universe, since even the most established web properties are regularly guilty of this underhanded practice. Be welcome here and relax. However, do not get too relaxed… Instead, become motivated to learned and use the knowledge you gain to advocate for yourself. Proactivity is the path towards pain relief and the more you know, the better prepared you will be to manage your own healthcare as a capable leader, instead of an exploited conquest of a financially-obsessed medical juggernaut.
If you are interested in my full motivation for starting this website, please read my scoliosis story.