Scoliosis in children is one of the more common spinal abnormalities that affects youngsters around the world. It is also a topic of great concern for parents and the source of much stress when it comes to deciding how to treat the condition.
Children are such an innocent and exploitable demographic in the medical system. They have little or no knowledge of the world themselves and their parents are often confused about what to do to help their children. This makes exploitation of child patients by opportunistic care providers far too common for our satisfaction…
This discussion is one of the most important on the entire website. Instead of talking about the best way to manage scoliosis in children, we will instead provide some crucial facts that every parent needs to know before making up their mind on the best course of action when it comes to scoliosis treatment. Additionally, if your child has scoliosis, the guidance in this essay will help you to minimize the trauma of the diagnosis and prevent them from suffering unnecessary nocebo reaction to the condition.
Scoliosis in Children Psychology
Children are very sensitive to the nocebo effect of any health crisis. They might fear scoliosis greatly and feel crushed by their diagnosis. The psychoemotional impact of this injury can not be understated. In fact, it might set the ideal stage for a lifetime of unnecessary chronic pain.
Children should be dealt with honestly and given the facts of their condition in a reassuring way. Fortunately, most children with scoliosis have minor forms and will not require any care whatsoever outside of regular monitoring of the condition. For children who do require interventions, all care should be taken to protect them from feeling self-conscious, diminished, fragile or damaged. These are the psychological states that can undermine good health and actually create pain where none would otherwise by structurally-enacted.
Children who have scoliosis should be allowed to live as normally as possible, despite having to possibly wear a brace or deal with surgery at such as tender age. Failing to recognize the importance of the child’s emotional state is just as bad as neglecting their actual physical health and possibly worse…
When parents must make decisions regarding their child’s scoliosis, they must continually ask themselves “How will this affect my child psychologically?”
Scoliosis in Kids Decisions
There are many different thoughts on how to manage scoliosis in general and even more variables when it comes to treating each specific case of scoliosis. Therefore, parents must learn all that they can in order to help them to make informed, quality decisions about their child’s health. Learning from objective, factual resources will produce a far better result than using resources that are opinionated or otherwise biased in their views.
Never take any opinion at face value. Instead, read and learn all that you can about scoliosis and try to apply what you learn to your child’s specific type and severity of spinal curvature. There remains much debate among the best experts in the world about the optimal path to diagnosis and treatment, especially for children. While many therapies feature verifiable physical benefits, often the psychological trauma inherent to care will balance the scales against the child’s better health.
No parent wants to make a mistake when it comes to scoliosis in their child. Therefore, learn, consider and reconsider before acting. This is a good rule to live by as the parent of a scoliosis-affected child.
Scoliosis in Children Exploitation
The last section in this discussion is the one we wish we did not have to write, but unfortunately, we must…
Many care providers exploit childhood scoliosis for profit. In fact, my first chiropractor did it to me and my family for years. This soulless criminal should be in jail for the damage he caused to me physically and especially psychologically. If karma does indeed exist, his will be brutal fate for sure!
There are medical doctors, complementary health providers and all manner of pseudo-healthcare providers who are opportunistic when it comes to parent’s love for their children. Once they tell the parent what must be done “in order to help their child to be well”, then the parent has little choice but to comply. They know this and they count on this to make a financial killing at the expense of children’s physical and psychoemotional health. It is behavior modeled after the lowest of the low…
We regularly see the misdiagnosis of scoliosis committed for financial gain. This also happened to me. I was put into treatment for scoliosis for years and I never even had scoliosis! All I had was at tiny curvature that was far lower than the 10 degree minimum needed to be called scoliosis! The cruel care I received is what directly led to my suffering horrific back pain for decades of my life. I am certainly not alone in this regard, as we have heard similar terrible stories from legions of readers over the years, amounting to tens of thousands of people.
Even when the diagnosis is completely sound, care providers can still be opportunistic. We witness many medical atrocities being committed against children every year:
We see unnecessary bracing for minor scoliosis that shows no sign of progressing.
We observe illogical bracing in children who are fully grown, as well as in many adults,
We witness surgical butchery committed against children who certainly do not require it. Spinal fusion is a one way ticket to a diminished life. Is this the fate you would choose for your child if there was any other way? In most cases, there is!
We see children given poisonous drugs to combat symptoms that are often blamed on minor scoliosis, but rarely actually come from these mild curvatures.
All of this exploitation makes us sick. Hopefully, you will not allow yourself and your child to be victims of these horrific financially-motivated practices.
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Scoliosis > Consequences of Scoliosis > Scoliosis in Children