Scoliosis knowledge therapy is an effective mindbody treatment that can prevent symptoms and reverse symptoms from atypical side to side spinal curvatures. Knowledge therapy is not a physical modality of care, but instead consists of various mindbody practices that are both scientifically proven and medically endorsed. The term knowledge therapy was originally used to describe the therapeutic approach created by the world famous Dr. John E. Sarno at The Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine in New York City. Now, the term is public domain, being used to describe a variety of programs, practices and techniques that can help scoliosis sufferers to live better and experience less pain, without enduring the serious risks and consequences of surgery or drug treatment.
Knowledge therapy is a collection of mindbody techniques that literally teaches the brain not to experience pain. It is not hypnosis or new age medicine. It is clinically proven medical treatment combined with clinically proven psychology that acts on the psychoemotional imperatives that create pain. The patient will learn why they have pain and just as importantly, why their scoliosis might not be the source of this pain. They will learn to become proactive in their care and lose the victim mentality that most acquire due to the nocebo effect of the diagnosis. Many, many patients have come back from complete disability to lead perfectly healthy and productive lives, despite scoliosis, using the renowned techniques of knowledge therapy.
This treatise examines the use of knowledge therapy techniques for treating scoliosis patients. We will detail the benefits to be gained, as well as the downsides of care. If you are looking for a nonsurgical, nonpharmaceutical solution for symptoms associated with scoliosis, knowledge therapy statistically offers your very best hope.
Scoliosis Knowledge Therapy Indications
Knowledge therapy can never do any harm. It teaches many important lessons about the true nature of health and how the mind and body interact to create wellness, as well as dis-ease. Therefore, knowledge therapy should be part of every patient’s scoliosis treatment plan. However, even with this ringing endorsement, there are conditions that are best served by knowledge therapy and conditions that are not quite as indicated.
Maximum benefit can be obtained by patients with mild to moderate idiopathic forms of scoliosis who generally should not be experiencing pain according to research statistics, but are currently symptomatic. The likelihood of purely structural causation in these cases is possible, but highly improbable, making these patients a perfect fit for the treatment. Scoliosis patients with other varieties of curvature, but still lacking a definitive pathology that might explain pain, are the next group best served by knowledge therapy.
The group that stands the least to gain includes those patients with definitively pathological curvatures that are verified to be causing pain through some known mechanism that has been objectively and scientifically diagnosed. However, since the benefits of knowledge therapy extend far beyond pain relief, these patients still will gain substantial general health rewards from integrating the practices into their therapeutic routine.
Scoliosis Knowledge Therapy Statistics
For optimally indicated patients, knowledge therapy is well documented to provide true and lasting cures in most instances. Of course, the treatment will do nothing to address the actual spinal curvature, which will remain unchanged and may even continue to progress anatomically. However, pain will likely disappear and will most probably not return.
Dr. Sarno rated his cure rate at around 96 to 97% for all dorsalgia diagnoses, but he was very selective in determining which patients to work with. We find the efficacy of the treatment to be a bit lower, at between 80% and 90% in the general public. This is still far ahead of most medical therapies, which typically offer average to poor results for pain management and usually entail substantial risks.
For the least indicated scoliosis patients, pain relief might be minimal to none. However, as mentioned above, the lessons learned will still improve general health and might help prevent the scoliosis symptomatic from one’s dominating life. Since there are not downside of attempting care, there really is nothing to lose and enhanced health to gain.
Scoliosis Knowledge Therapy Efficacy
Knowledge therapy used to be considered alternative medicine, but has now found its way into mainstream medical industry due to its extreme efficacy and popular demand. While Dr. John Sarno has since passed away, his literary teachings will serve chronic pain sufferers well for generations to come. Furthermore, there are now many, many care providers who have taken Sarno’s teachings and improved them to increase their efficacy and personalize them for specific patient’s needs.
Knowledge therapy can seem a bit mysterious to patients when they first hear about it. They might not understand what it is all about or how it can help their spinal curvatures. However, once they dive in, the treatment teaches the patients all about itself. It is inherently self-instructive. Most patients immediately begin to feel at ease and on the right path for the first time in years when starting to read knowledge therapy books. Within days to weeks, most will benefit greatly with diminished pain, while some report almost instantaneous and complete resolution of pain.
Some patients struggle a bit with the technique, but eventually realize its rewards, even if they fall short of achieving complete amelioration of all symptoms. As reported earlier in this essay, being that there is nothing at all to lose, including money or health risks, every patient should implement these techniques to see how much they can help them to move past pain and onto a better life of improved satisfaction and functionality. For complete details on the entire universe of knowledge therapy, please read through the alternative medicine for back pain resource section on the original Cure-Back-Pain.Org website.
Our proprietary pain relief program contains the very best teachings of knowledge therapy, explained in a way that is both unique and acclaimed by medical authorities around the world. It is no surprise that our program offers patients their best hope for a cure and is here to help 24 hours a day, from anywhere in the world.
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